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Kunst, Architektur und Design Veranstaltungen

Luzie Meyer, „Voir Dire“: Film Screening & Poetry Reading, im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe Repetitions. Artistic Perspectives

Expositur Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7 = VZA7

For the film Voir Dire (2024), Luzie Meyer invited professional actor Maria Lehberg to one of Berlin's District Court Buildings, to re-enact a key scene from the 1979 courtroom drama "...And Justice for All" featuring Al Pacino. In the original film scene, defense lawyer Arthur Kirkland (Pacino) exposes the violence of the corrupt legal system in a spectacularly emotional monologue. Through repeated rehearsals and the recontextualization of the narrative with a female*-reading performer, and within a German courtroom, Voir Dire is a Ficto-Docu that deals with the ways in which individual cognitive biases and emotional investments play into the formation of normativity. Both her film and her subsequent reading, Luzie Meyer artistically explores repetition as a subject-forming device.

Veranstaltung im Kontext des Seminars Wiederholungen. Künstlerische Perspektiven
organisiert von Stefanie Kitzberger (Kunstsammlung und Archiv/Kunstgeschichte), Eva Maria Stadler und Jenni Tischer (Kunst und Wissenstransfer)

Ort: Auditorium, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Vordere Zollamtstraße 7, 1030 Wien
Beginn: 18:00