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University Archive Publication

On the journey to an art university:
The Art University Organization Act of 1970

Edited by Susanne Prucher, Silvia Herkt, Susanne Kogler, Severin Matiasovits and Erwin Strouhal



Susanne Prucher, Silvia Herkt, Susanne Kogler, Severin Matiasovits, Erwin Strouhal


Heinz P. Adamek, Thomas Ballhausen, Eugen Banauch, Hildegard Fraueneder, Ingeborg Harer, Silvia Herkt, Freia Hoffmann, Michael Kahr, Susanne Kogler, Julia Mair, Severin Matiasovits, Elisabeth Nutzenberger, Susanne Prucher,  Erwin Strouhal






360 pages


EUR 45.00

The legal equality of art and science, along with the involvement of students and the academic middle class in decision-making processes, was the most important effect of the Kunsthochschul-Organization Act (KHOG) of 1970 on the former music and art academies in Austria.

The archive directors of the Universities of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Salzburg and Vienna as well as the University of Applied Arts Vienna took the 50th anniversary of the implementation of the KHOG as an opportunity to research the beginnings of self-determination, co-determination and equality in their institutions - all of them explosive topics that are currently being discussed again at the universities. In addition to original documents, voices of contemporary witnesses contribute to the vividness of the historical perspectives.

The diverse contributions span the origins and developments of conservatories in the 19th and 20th centuries, the process of creation and the challenges of the new structures at the individual universities, and the effects, developments, and perspectives that they brought and continue to bring today.

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