Visitors to the Oskar Kokoschka Centre and those wishing to view the collection need to make an appointment, preferably via email or telephone.
The library can be used on site by appointment. It is also accessible via the Austrian Library Network through the University of Applied Arts (supA) library search portal under the classification “Oskar Kokoschka Zentrum”.
The photo collection, archival materials and other items can be viewed and studied on site in the database. These, as well as inventory lists are also gradually being put online.
Intensive research orders can be carried out only in exceptional cases and are subject to a fee.
- Contact
Mag.phil. Dr.phil Bernadette Reinhold, Sen.Sc.
+43 1 71133 3253
- User Regulations for Collection and Archive
Image rights and reproductions
Reproductions can be ordered and produced on site. Reproduction requests may be subject to a fee by the Collection and Archives Department. For more information please follow this link.
Copyrights for Oskar Kokoschka's image-based works are held by the Oskar Kokoschka Foundation, represented in Austria by Bildrecht. Photographer credits to be acknowledged separately.