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Visiting & Service

Collection and Archive provide the following services

  • Archival research
  • Digital images for publications
  • Loans for national and international exhibitions

You are welcome to visit us by appointment.
Please indicate the purpose of your visit when you pre-register.

General requests:
+43 1 71133 3255

Requests concerning research in the Collections and University archive:
Silvia Herkt
+43 1 71133 3252

Loans Collection Art, Architecture and Design:
Judith Burger
+43 1 71133 3255

Loans Collection Fashion and Textiles:
Laura Egger-Karlegger
+43 1 71133 2846

Requests concerning research at the Oskar Kokoschka Centre
Bernadette Reinhold
+43 1 71133 3253

User Regulations for Collection and Archive


The image material of Collection and Archive may not be reproduced, copied, stored, modified or used in any other way without prior consent.
To order digital image material for publications and other publishing purpose, please complete and sign the image request form and send it to ka-repro@uni-ak.ac.at.
The reproduction fees are based on the image costs and the specific usage fee. Please consider our terms and conditions for the use of images
Please use our online database to research the desired images and allow for a processing time of approx. 14 days. Updated forms have been available since July 2024.

Contact: ka-repro@uni-ak.ac.at


About our databases

The titles and designations of the works represented in our online collection have evolved over decades. In the interest of contemporary responsibility, we are constantly trying to revise discriminatory, racializing or otherwise problematic content. However, this is not possible or sensible in all cases. For example, it may be necessary for academic research, for further retrievability or in the case of citations from printed works, to display these online or limited to the research option on site. Should you nevertheless discover freely accessible content that you consider to be problematic, please notify us by sending a message to kunstsammlungundarchiv@uni-ak.ac.at, stating the inventory number and the relevant field.

Further information [links to external websites]:

Collection and Archive Postgasse


University of Applied Arts Vienna
Collection and Archive
Postgasse 6
1010 Vienna

University Gallery of the Angewandte, Heiligenkreuzerhof


University Gallery of the Angewandte, Heiligenkreuzerhof
Schönlaterngasse 5 / Grashofgasse 3
1010 Vienna