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Collection Art, Architecture, Design Showcase

Showcase Collection and Archive #3

Cooperation Project Stoffe im Raum

IN 10.117/O/T

Christian Ludwig Attersee, Night Cat, from the series "Knotted Weather", 1992

Photo: kunst-dokumentation.com, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Collection and Archive



Christian Ludwig Attersee


Ulla Rossek


Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Vordere Zollamtstraße 7
Foyer Haupteingang
1030 Wien

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday 8am - 8pm

The painter Christian Ludwig Attersee taught at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and, after the dissolution of the independent textile class in 1992, attached the area of tapestry to his class. Upon his retirement, he worked to have the looms that had been in the classrooms removed. Today they are located in the textile technology workshop.

The exhibited work is a hand-knotted carpet from the series "Knotted Weather" made in Anatolia according to designs by Christian Ludwig Attersee 1991 / 1992, from the holdings of the Collection and Archive.


Christian Ludwig Attersee, Nachtkatze, aus der Serie „Geknüpfte Wetter“, 1992

Foto: kunst-dokumentation.com, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Kunstsammlung und Archiv

Christian Ludwig Attersee, Nachtkatze, aus der Serie „Geknüpfte Wetter“, 1992

Foto: kunst-dokumentation.com, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Kunstsammlung und Archiv

Stoffe im Raum

Collection Art, Architecture, Design Exhibition Cooperation

Stoffe im Raum