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Collection Art, Architecture, Design Showcase

Schaukasten #10
Unruly Beings, Wayward Labor – Zine „K u. K – Kunst und Klasse“ 

Im Kontext des Angewandte Festivals



Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7
Foyer Haupteingang
1030 Wien

How does art make class relations (in)visible? What role do the materiality and mediality of artworks play, and what is the function of the social and institutional position of artists and viewers? How do artistic works link economically determined power relations with other axes of inequality and difference? For the festival, students will develop "low formats" for the distribution of artistic work in diverse public spheres.

Project by students of the MA Studies in Arts and Culture in the framework of the project-bound seminar Kunst und Klassenverhältnisse (Stefanie Kitzberger and Jenni Tischer)


Unruly Beings, Wayward Labor – Zine „K.u.K. – Kunst und Klasse“

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Photo: Lea Sonderegger

Unruly Beings, Wayward Labor – Zine „K.u.K. – Kunst und Klasse“

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Photo: Lea Sonderegger